First Impressions #2: Bratty Victoria

Victoria (2016)

Title: Victoria
Year: 2016
What is it?: TV Mini Series
Production: itv
Other: Biography/ Drama/ History. The series will have a total of 8 1-hour long episodes.
Rating: IMDB: 8,4,; Rotten Tomatoes: No data available

By now you must know that, as far as History goes, I'm a hands down medievalist. Lets face it, everything since the French Revolution doesn't interest me that much. The thing is, I am also a woman, and a Portuguese woman who has a very unhealthy interest in History of the British monarchy at that. Recently I've been reading quite a few things about the very controversial Portuguese queen, Maria II, and her relationship with Victoria is an inevitable topic. And here I am, watching a show about a queen in which life I've never been quite interested in.
So far I've only watched the first episode of the show, and I must be honest: I wasn't that much impressed, and it doesn't seem to be a piece that'll captivate half as much as War and Peace. Though the photography is amazing and the costume design is spot on, the writing seems a bit lazy sometimes and the pacing is a bit off. It's not that there isn't much going on, is more that you don't really have the correct time to engage with the characters and absorb things. The acting is also far from convincing, as Jenna is - apart from breathtakingly beautiful - portraing a Victoria who is not only shaky as a queen but also way more bratty than I would expect. It may be on purpose, though, and I'm still confidant that we'll see Victoria growing up in character.

First Impression: Meeeh, lets see where all this takes us...

When you see DC commiting Suicide... again

Title: Suicide Squad
Year: 2016
Director: David Ayer
Other: M/14, 123 min, Action/ Adventure/ Comedy
Rating: IMDB: 6,9; Rotten Tomatoes: 26% vs 71%

This entire thing is a suicidal mess for DC... Am I having a Déjà vu?

Happy Games, and may the odds... oh wait!

Oh, the Olympic Games!... That poetic competition which gives us the opportunity to watch all kinds of sports we don't really care about. You probably don't know this, but I have a problem with the Olympics. It's just... I'm obsessed. Like, pathologically obsessed with the games. If I don't watch myself, I am perfectly capable of being at home for almost an entire month looking at the TV watching pretty much every single sport there is. Ok, the really looong events, such as the marathon are not that interesting, but the rest of it? Yeah... From shooting to gymnastics, judo, and even diving. ANYTHING goes.
My other problem is my capability of almost instantly picking sides. I watch the thing for 5 minutes and BAM! I'm rooting for someone. Even when Portugal is not involved. And before you ask, no, I have no idea how do I come to the conclusion I'm with a certain athlete or team. I just get really invested and emotional in a positive way.

So, for all these reasons, this is a celebration month for me, and I'll be celebrating by doing something I really enjoy: livebloging on Facebook the parts of the event I'll be watching.  So, if you want to read them, comment on my comments, or maybe just liveblog the events with me, just go there and you can join me on this crazy ride anytime you want. And maybe I get to do a summary post at the end, who knows?


Girls, Ghosts and money

Title: Ghostbusters
Year: 2016
Director: Paul Feig
Other: M/12, 116 min, Action/ Comedy/ Fantasy
Rating: IMDB: 5,4; Rotten Tomatoes: 73%

Holtzmann is a gift from Heaven and Hell and that's all I care, really.

'Bye Gal. *snif*

I'm officially in mourning. My most beloved Galavant wasn't renewed for a third season, and ABC is stupid, and everything is terrible (and Agent Carter... Oh, Agent Carter... *cries rivers of sorrow*).
The good news is, however, that my Galavant disappeared proudly of our TV (or, in my case, computer) screens and it didn't stretch for season after season after season with no end in sight and a clear decay in quality (and yes, Supernatural, I'm looking at you. YES, Vampire Diaries, you as well!). It went galavantly (I know this isn't a word, ok?) and, for that, I am not only happy, but also profoundly grateful.

For you, person who don't know what Galavant is, here goes a brief explanation and review.

It was the year of 2015, when ABC premiered this new, unexpected, almost underground series. It looked like Medieval Fantasy, it felt like Monthy Python, it sounded like... Disney. Yeah, I  have to be honest, it sounded a little like Disney, but really cool Disney, you know? And not cheesy, for the most part. It had every ingredient to please me, and I gave it a shot. I think I got hooked by the smart (and yet easily understandible) and witty humour, and by how layered the characters where, especially for a comedy, a genre which is known for not exploring its characters enough.

Despite the low audiences expectations for a Medieval set Fairytale Musical Parody, and the generally mixed rating and medium critic reception, Galavant achieved the initially very unlikely second season renewal. What was initally thought as a 8 episode mini-series became a 2 season 18 episode series. And what a ride that is! If you think the first season is absolutely crazy and they couldn't go any further with it, the second will blow your mind, in one of the most spectacular finales I've watched on the last years. The show is not without faults, of course, and you can see that sometimes the writers lost themselves a little bit in the process, mainly in the first season, but all things end up being wrapped up nicely in a beautiful package nobody should miss.  And if they ever make a full DVD with all the extras, I'll be buying it, no doubt!

Goodbye my good Galavant (and Richard, and Madalena, and Gareth, and Sid, and maybe a little bit Isabella). You shall be missed. You shall be remembered. It was the funniest ride.

The BFS16 #16: When Young Adult is good

Title: The 5th Wave
Year: 2016
Director: J Blakeson
Other: M/12, 112 min, Action/ Adventure/ Sci-fi
Rating: IMDB: 5,2; Rotten Tomatoes: 17%

Trust me when I'm telling you this is worth watching.

The BFS16 #15: Classics, zombies and a victorian wardrobe

Title: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Year: 2016
Director: Burr Steers
Other: M/12, 107 min, Action/ Horror/ Romance
Rating: IMDB: 6,0; Rotten Tomatoes: 43%

Even though it's not great I would still love to cosplay it!