The BFS 16 #3 or the one with almost no Batman

11:30 0 Comments A+ a-

Title: The Dark Knight Rises
Year: 2012
Director: Christopher Nolan
Other: USA, 164 min, Action/ Thriller
Rating:  IMDB: 8,5; Rotten Tomatoes: 87%;

Go watch this right NOW! (Unless you're into Batman. Then keep calm and just breathe.)

At this point I'm celebrating 'cause:
1) I can't stand Batman whispering anymore. Really guy, that's the worst for your throat;
2) This one has Catwoman;
3) Bruce is probably gonna die. Though I don't believe Nolan has it in him (useless director!).

Bring it on! I'm making a Margherita for this one.

PS - Oh, btw, apparently we now have an official hashtag! So join us using #BFS16 (mainly for Twitter) and #bigfilmsaga16 (for all other platforms)