Challenges to get the year started... or The Big Film Saga of 2016
For some mysterious reason, there are two things in life I feel like are way more fun to do than what it may seem: Lists and Challenges.Don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you, but I'm suspicious that it's related to the fact that I can actually, physically, cross things out of both, and with that reaching a certain goal, and see that I'm progressing, without having to feel it. There is proof, when you draw that line over an entry, that you actually did something.
And so I'll start the year with a challenge, which I decided to name The Big Film Saga of 2016, though I have no idea if it will be ginourmous or boringly simple.
The rules are plain simple! The goal is to watch 52 new movies in 2016. Sagas count as as many movies there are in each one. No rewatches. No predetermined list, also, I'll just watch what I feel like it in the moment.
I'll make a post here about the films I pick, and why and I'll try to post a review per film, but I can't make promisses about that.
Feel free to join my madness or just follow it through here or Facebook.