Lo5 #2 Let's bring Marvel up!
Since I already did mention my undying love for superheroes to you, we can all possibly agree this was a completely expected Lo5 (I'm calling it that, 'cause it's easier and sounds quite cool... I think). But what should we list, people? *drumrolls*
Top Five MCU Movies: Phases 1 and 2
Surprised by the obvious? Yeah, me too, but while thinking of a better list theme I realised I really had to start with the basics. Moving on...
NUMBER 5: Thor (2011)
Come on, admit it, at this point you think I went mad. Thor? Really? With so much epicness available I had to go with Thor? Allow me to explain.
Thor was my very first MCU movie. Before that I honestly thought all this new super-hero wave was just like another (very little compared to this one) that had happened some years before. And so I thought the movies were going to be all about the action, with nothing more to see. I'm ok with Action films but no plot? Not for me! So, when I started watching Thor on TV with a close friend that convinced me by saying "It's kind of medieval" (I was stupid, ok? Please stop laughing.) I was sceptic to say the least. And I kind of liked it. Liked it enough to watch Iron Man and all the other ones in a matter of... maybe 2 weeks. So yeah, my 5th place goes to Thor, the one who started it all.
Besides, look at his face, he looks like a cute Golden Retriever.
NUMBER 4: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
I love Cap, and though his presentation movie is not the best in many ways, it has a lot of good parts. And Peggy Carter. You can win an entire argument just by bringing Peggy Carter's name to the table.
NUMBER 3: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Does this image looks really weird or is it my eyes? The heads look photoshoped... with Paint! |
Despite being huge and filled with sub-plots and POVs and the cringeworthy "romance" between Black Widow and the Hulk (where did that come from, Marvel? Did you really have to create a fake love interest for the only female in the group just because she is the only female in the group? Really? What about, I don't know, Iron Man and Thor? I would believe more in that.) Age of Ultron is a piece of awesomeness. The action scenes are gorgeous, and the dialog writting is so well balanced between pure drama and humour I could cry. The Maximoff twins were also good additions to the cast (can't wait to see Scarlet Witch on Civil War). Also, by 2015 I was of course already totally immersed on the Universe and being able to cross the references and catch little jokes made me feel really good.
NUMBER 2: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
So, here we go to the discussion of the first two spots. Let me tell you, The Winter Soldier is good. It's really really good. Plot, action, characters (and their evolution), pacing, it's so good even Honest Trailers admitted they had to nitpick. Adittionally, the connection to the MCU TV shows (and here I'm specifically talking about Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.) is close to perfection.
But even being probably the movie with the best score in all things objective I don't have it in my heart to put it on the first place, because, for some reason, 2014 was the golden year for MCU until now, and 2014 have brought us...
NUMBER 1: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Oh well... What can I say? Guardians of the Galaxy is the movie I needed even though I didn't know that before. It's a combination of madness and improbable heroes that will very likely do everything wrong. And they do! And it's AWESOME! Humour and drama, and tears of all kinds and action and music in cassette tapes and prosthetic legs and so much, but SO MUCH more. Go and watch this movie if you haven't. What? You don't like Marvel? You've never seen a Marvel's film before? No problem AT ALL! Just go go go NOW!
Honorable Mention: Black Widow (----)
Oh yeah... They canceled Black Widow... Fuck you, Marvel!
I'm out!