Lists of 5...more or less #1
I already told you I'm kind of crazy about lists. You see, there're few things more rewarding than seeing the chaos that is your life just (apparently) a little bit more organised. So there's nothing more logical for me than making one (or many) of them once in a while.
Which brings me to this section: here I'm making lists of 5 (more or less... after a while I'll probably forget about the number) things than can be the best or the worst or... anything, really. I'm serious, some day I can come up with only a list of random vegetables. Fine by me.
The subject of each list? The crazier the better!
So, on the 1st ever LIST OF 5...
Top Five Disney Animated Female Crushes
YES! It's a wild start, I KNOW! And no, Mulan is not included!
So, I was thinking about a conversation I had with a friend the other day, and we were discussing our girl crushes, specially when it came to actresses. And, while thinking about it, I just realised I have girl crushes not only on real people but also - and perhaps mainly - on fictional characters. And then I started thinking about ALL my crushes and... yeah... this came out. So here it is...
NUMBER 5: FALINE - Bambi (1942)
WHAT?! I never told you this was ALL about HUMAN chacacters, have I?
Faline was probably my first Disney crush, at the age of four, or something around that. And for no other reason than the fact she's super cute. I mean, look at those huge blue eyes! In the film, of course, her role is only to be Bambi's love interest and consequent motivator, but that's not her fault and she's lovely anyway.
NUMBER 4: AURORA - Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Sleeping Beauty is the only "traditional" Disney animation I've been completely in love with for all my life. It has a medieval setting, the score is brilliant, the colours are gorgeous and the general art concept is amazing. As a consequence, and thanks to the lovely "Once Upon a Dream" sequence, Aurora is probably the only "old days" Disney Princess I don't immediately want to slap. Do I have plot reasons not to hate her like I hate Snow White or Cinderella? Probably not, but who cares? Crushes are not rational anyway.
NUMBER 3: NALA - The Lion King (1994)
Just to get everything straight, The Lion King is the best animated movie of all times. No discussion. Nobody will want to fight me on this. With that said Nala is one of the first really empowered female Disney characters. She is considered an equal with Simba amongst the Pride from a very young age, and she's the one taking the decision to run away from it and trying to get help when things become unbearable with Scar (she also flees of constant sexual harassment made by Scar, but that is only shown in the Musical). Furthermore, and despite clearly loving Simba, she's the first getting angry at him and even leaving him because he's not capable of fighting his own demons and take responsability for the Pride. Thumbs up for Nala, people!
NUMBER 2: POCAHONTAS - Pocahontas (1995)
Pocahontas is the girl I wanted to be when I was 9 (and maybe up until now, quite honestly). Free, strong, brave and with the best hair ever. And while I may understand that, for a 95 movie, it has a fair amount of weak points (one of them being the romanticised Native-American - Explorers relation), the film and soundtrack are incredibly beautiful. Pocahontas is also one of the first Disney princesses that not only is a princess by birthright but is also expected to rule one day, which gives her responsability over her own people and makes her act accordingly.
NUMBER 1: RAPUNZEL - Tangled (2010)
Rapunzel is the best princess Disney ever created for one and simple reason: she's a believable human, with a believable human behaviour. A real girl, with problems and mood swings and good and bad days. A girls who is terrified and yet dazzled with the outside world, and can find the courage that it takes to go after what she wants. Even if what she wants is only to look at a couple of lights in the sky at her birthday. On their journey Fynn only serves as a guide, rarely a protection, 'cause she purely doesn't need one. And, let me be honest here, her mastering of the fryin' pan war usage alone is enough to earn her a fair 1st place.
Feel free to comment below and share with me your own top 5! I bet you all have them!