The BFS16 #13: Bling bling everywhere!

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Title: Gods of Egypt
Year: 2016
Director:  Alex Proyas
Other: M/12, 127 min, Action/ Adventure / Fantasy
Rating: IMDB: 5,7; Rotten Tomatoes: 13%

I am... I can't... errrr... you know what? Forget it!

I'm going to start this one with a big sigh... Because, honestly, I don't know what to say. Gods of Egypt is just one of those films that is just so bad, but SO BAD, you just can't take it seriously. And having tried that for a grand total of... 30 seconds I just gave up. And no, it's not one of those "so-bad-it's-actually-good" flicks. It's BAD. Period.
The plot is inconsistent e just not interesting enoguh, the characters... blugh... and not even the special effects are well done. You know when you can see the green screen just from miles away? Yeah, it's worse. And please don't forget to put your sunglasses on when you watch it, or all the golden bling will most certainly blind you.

Kudos for the costume design, though, the clothes are pretty af.