When you see DC commiting Suicide... again

05:24 0 Comments A+ a-

Title: Suicide Squad
Year: 2016
Director: David Ayer
Other: M/14, 123 min, Action/ Adventure/ Comedy
Rating: IMDB: 6,9; Rotten Tomatoes: 26% vs 71%

This entire thing is a suicidal mess for DC... Am I having a Déjà vu?

Happy Games, and may the odds... oh wait!

16:09 0 Comments A+ a-

Oh, the Olympic Games!... That poetic competition which gives us the opportunity to watch all kinds of sports we don't really care about. You probably don't know this, but I have a problem with the Olympics. It's just... I'm obsessed. Like, pathologically obsessed with the games. If I don't watch myself, I am perfectly capable of being at home for almost an entire month looking at the TV watching pretty much every single sport there is. Ok, the really looong events, such as the marathon are not that interesting, but the rest of it? Yeah... From shooting to gymnastics, judo, and even diving. ANYTHING goes.
My other problem is my capability of almost instantly picking sides. I watch the thing for 5 minutes and BAM! I'm rooting for someone. Even when Portugal is not involved. And before you ask, no, I have no idea how do I come to the conclusion I'm with a certain athlete or team. I just get really invested and emotional in a positive way.

So, for all these reasons, this is a celebration month for me, and I'll be celebrating by doing something I really enjoy: livebloging on Facebook the parts of the event I'll be watching.  So, if you want to read them, comment on my comments, or maybe just liveblog the events with me, just go there and you can join me on this crazy ride anytime you want. And maybe I get to do a summary post at the end, who knows?


Girls, Ghosts and money

08:09 0 Comments A+ a-

Title: Ghostbusters
Year: 2016
Director: Paul Feig
Other: M/12, 116 min, Action/ Comedy/ Fantasy
Rating: IMDB: 5,4; Rotten Tomatoes: 73%

Holtzmann is a gift from Heaven and Hell and that's all I care, really.